Friday, July 19, 2019

I’m back!

Crazy as it sounds, it’s been 4 years since I have posted! 2015 was a busy year for me.  We sold our home, lost Kirt’s dad, moved to a rental home while we had our home built. Then in 2016, we moved again to our new home and then had to start on my studio in the basement. So, it was 2017 before I really got back into quilting ( I did do limited quilting in my temporary home). And by then, blogging was on the back burner. I’m trying to figure out how to do this again. I really want it for my personal quilting history.

Latest top done: (a Leader/Ender Quilt off of Bonnie Hunter’s website)

I’m back!

It’s been 4 years since I have done any blogging at all and would like to get back into it, if only for my personal history.  So this is a big test to see if I even remember how to do this!!

And a picture of my latest quilt top just to have something to look at! 😃It was the Leader and Ender project from Bonnie Hunter in 1017. I worked on this while working on other quilts.