The renuion was a blast! Being from Denver, I really miss the mountains. I live in Central Ohio, where it is flat, flat, flat! What was really sad though was to see the damage from the forest fires. The picture shows one that was caused by a cigarette or something stupid like that. How sad. The weather was superb, as always. We had about 70+ people attend, from 5 weeks old to 78 years old. It is so fun to get together with family that is scattered throughout the USA and we missed those that couldn't attend, including 2 of my daughters and their families. I realized that when I went to post, that almost ALL my pictures are on my laptop. So I'll just share the pictures I took the last day. We played lots of games, including a scavenger hunt that required you to get pictures of different things. I downloaded everyone's camera onto my laptop and then we scored the teams on their efforts. Then I had a slide show to let everyone see what the people saw through their cameras. I think we had over 1200 pictures! It was a lot of fun. Now I'm going to have to load them onto my PC. Hmm, might take a while!

The only thing that put a damper on the whole thing was my back did not cooperate very well. I had one awesome day and the others, well, not so great. The day we left to fly home was the worst. So my husband called our doctor so the very next morning (Wed.), I had an MRI. And it confirmed what we thought--I have a severe herniated disk in my lumbar region which is wrapped around the sciatic nerve. I have 3 options left--oral steroids--which I am doing right now, 9 days worth. An epidural injection of steroids, in which I'm getting tomorrow, and I'm a little nervous! the last option is surgery, so I'm praying that the first two work! I've tried different meds, stretching, chiropractic care, inversion table, massage therapy, biking, you name it, and I was trying it. I'm ready to be free of pain and get on with things!
I made two quilts for everyone to sign, one for me to keep and another one that I raffled off. I'll donate the proceeds to the Breast Cancer Foundation. I'll post pictures when I transfer the pictures over to my PC. All in all, a wonderful long weekend. It went by so fast, I wished we would make it longer.