My friend's sister, who is a new quilter is flew up from Florida last week and along with a few other friends, had our own private little retreat! 3 days and 3 nights of nothing but sewing! It was great to have some concentrated time to sew--on something for me! I'm working on my SITP (Shakespeare in the Park),and got all my Snail's Trails blocks done. See the little spark of red now and then? Well, it's a little more on the burgundy side. 
I finished my last dress of embroidered 50's dresses.
By the way, it is now available as a pattern at the Bobby Sox Company. I just need to decide on sashing and borders. It's funny, the minute I got the last dress done, my mind has gone on to the next quilt! I wonder if that's why I have so many UFO's? I'm always jumping ahead to the next neat project. But I am going to miss doing the embroidery. There is still nothing to quiet your soul than a little handwork. It forces you to slow down.
Miss Alia--what a little sweetie you are! And so SMART! She'll be two in a few more weeks and is just so sharp and is such a cutie with her sweet little voice.
But don't let her angelic looks deceive you, she is into everything! And eats and drinks everything she sees, so we are constantly putting things up. She crawled up the side of her other G'ma's car into the open window and got into her purse today. Fortunately she decided to clean her hands with the whole bottle of hand sanitizer instead of drinking it! Man, do they have their hands full. And guess what? She is going to be a big sister!! Yep, T & M are expecting baby #4! A little surprise for them as they thought things were taken care of, but they fell into that 1% failure rate. I guess God had other plans for them. We are all thrilled and when they got over the initial shock, they are excited as well. Or so they say..heehee