Seems like it's either feast or famine with me! I have a lot on my plate and hardly have had any computer time. But I'm getting stuff done! And I'm my own worst enemy, I swear! I misplaced my camera, so I didn't get to take pictures of my PJ party, where we made the heart pincushions from the free pattern at Fat Quarter Shop. My husband was out of town and I told him that too bad he missed it, because we all wore lingerie that night--but no pictures! LOL yeah right...

I finally got this top finished, 4 Patch and Friends. It's from a Debbie Caffrey book "Open a Can of Worms". I had 4 blocks done for a class, and then finished the other 76 in Canada this summer and then realized I didn't bring border material. So, I just sat down and assembled the blocks and added the borders. Another one for the quilting pile! They do add up quick, don't they? I wish I were as prolific as
Mary in getting my quilts quilted.
I also didn't have my camera for my Quilt Pink Day. Neat be continued. I finally found my camera--so I can take a picture of what blocks we made, but not the people. :( oh was a great day anyway.
On a personal daughter (who is pregnant and due
next week) went to the doctor last week and saw the nurse practitioner. She told her, the way. The doctor (a female)is having a bit of trouble with her 'on call' staff because they want more $$ for her increased business and they can't settle on a pricing structure, so she is without them for the moment. AND the hospital won't let her deliver babies without that on call staff and since the Dr. was going out of town this week for a conference, she hasn't been able to work out a deal. SOOO, long story short--find yourself another doctor! Yes--my daughter left the Dr.'s office, had to go back to work and start calling Dr.'s to see if anyone would take her at 38+ weeks! After about 10 calls, (most of them either couldn't fit her in their schedule or was appalled that she would try to find a Dr. so late in her pregnancy!), she found one. He was most sympathetic and said he knew the situation and would be most happy to help her. But he needed to see her immediately! So, I went with her yesterday and he was very compassionate and understanding of her situation. Plus, he was REAL easy on the eyes! heehee (the Mom's agreed he should be her Dr.!) So, with a week left to go, she now has a Dr. she has met and he was very kind and understanding. But wow! What an unprofessional Dr. she had! First of all, she didn't tell my daughter herself and she was in this situation the last time she saw my daughter. And she delivered her other two babies. Apparently there is more to the story that they were letting on, like she lost her liability insurance. So, stay tuned...grand baby #5 will soon be here!