My husband puts on a large Showcase tournament for high school athletes to showcase their talents to colleges. I do the Hospitality table (i.e., free food) for all the coaches and our staff of about 60. It's being held this weekend and so I started baking all the brownies yesterday (32 dozen). Well, I went to bed last night with all the pans on the counter and when I got up there was a piece of mail in the middle of one of the pans??
That was odd, so I picked it up and look what I found! What a creative mouse we have!
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Is there a mouse in the house?
On a quilty is my Shoo, Plaid Fly quilt done! I used my Baptist Fan template on the HQ16 and was quite pleased with how it turned out! I'm giving this to my brother and his wife.
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
The Story of Grandma's quilts
I meet up with my cousin Mona after 27 years. She was JUST starting to get into the quilting thing and I told her the story about Grandma. And she was shocked! Not only did she not get all the quilts--she wasn't promised them either. Too funny. She did have a few, but not all that Grandma owned. Where are they now? Well, Mona found a few more in her Mom's storage unit and so graciously gave me the Glorified Nine Patch quilt top on the left. I went ahead and had my Amish friend quilt that for me too. And I didn't have to even beg Mona for any! LOL What a great find that has been--rediscovering my cousin. :)
Sunday, August 26, 2007
A few of the finished quilts
this and that...
Lots of goings on around much that I'll have to break it into chunks of news/photos. First, wanted to share a picture of a plate I made several years ago when I hosted one of our quilt group's retreat. I had photo copied a picture of an antique block, shrunk the size and decoupaged it onto the reverse side of a glass plate. And then I decoupaged a doily (paper) over that....kind of fun to serve the quilt group dessert on these plates when I'm the hostess. 
Today was FINALLY the day that I have been working towards ALL summer...finishing quilt tops......making samples.........painting...etc. I host a bi-annual Quilt Show that features my latest quilts, my students quilts and my quilter friends quilts. I'll share photos of the day in a later post. But I wanted to share a picture of my granddaughter who proudly had her quilt in the "Quilt Show in the Woods". She was all excited. When she arrived, she ran around the yard looking for it. We live in a wooded setting and it's perfect for hanging quilts among the trees. My hubby put eye hooks in the trees and then hung rope from tree to tree. He had to make quite a few support posts--because quilts are heavy! LOL More on the quilt show later....
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Summer Garden
Nope--don't have one except one lone tomato plant. I'm referring to a quilt I designed a few years ago to teach people how to do prairie points. Most of the time the prairie points are on the outside of the quilt and applied AFTER the quilting is done--kind of hard to teach a class like that! LOL So I made a quilt that had them on the interior of the quilt. I just taught this class again last thought I would share.
Speaking of tomatoes...I was searching for a good tomato/basil/mozzarella salad and I think I was on Judy's blog to start and somehow ended up on Libby's blog--and she had the MOST delicious recipe for Tomato Basil pie EVER!!! My husband can't get enough of it--I've made it 3 times in the last week and he wasn't too happy when we had company and had to SHARE it! LOL
Friday, August 17, 2007
The Fruits of Summer
Ahh--don't ya love summer and all it's sweet, fresh produce? I sure do...I'm thoroughly enjoying going down the road a few miles and picking up sweet corn and tomatoes that were picked that morning. And the watermelon this year has been the BEST! And of course, I had to share the fruits of some of my efforts..a watermelon quilt. Actually, it was done a couple of years ago...but I'm not quite ready to show what I've been working on all summer. But be prepared..I've been busy! Finishing lots of quilt tops, finishing quilts (some have been hanging around for 7 years, waiting to be quilted!),making class samples, painting my studio, cleaning, reorganizing, purging and whew! I'm tired.
Thursday, August 09, 2007
Right or Left Brained?
While searching for something else today..I came across this..and found it quite fun and interesting..try's a bit harder than you think..I found myself hestitating all the time! Say the words out loud!


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