Woo hoo! It's been a really productive week for me and busting LOTS of stash! Although I cut out lots of new projects, #1--it was ALL from stash and #2--there were some class samples in there as well, so I'm getting a head start on the fall classes.

These were for 9 quilts--no donations. It's amazing how much it adds up in numbers--but yet does not even leave a DENT in the stash closet! How does that work?
Stash busted this week (and last week since I forgot to post it) 50 1/2YARDS!!
Stash brought in: 0
Stash busted YTD: 269 yards
Stash brought in: 9 yards
And I didn't even count this as stash busting...cuz it was SCRAP busting! It called for a 1 1/2 yards for sashings/cornerstones, but I was able to dig up scraps and use them.

I'm leaving for VA on Sunday morning for a girlfriend retreat. Most of them are not quilters/sewers, but I got permission to bring my machine. :) I love to lay out and read, but I think my fingers would start getting itchy after a few days of that. If I could just sew for a few hours each day, I'd be in heaven. Of course I'm probably taking way too much, but better that than twiddling my thumbs. LOL I post what I got done next week.
Bucket purse: this is from ??? (help! My printer wasn't working the day I stumbled across this site, so I just wrote the instructions down and THOUGHT I saved the blogsite in my favorites. I gave up looking. Does anyone know who's blog site this is?--thanks!) great instructions. I had the pattern and it made no sense, but her blog photos helped. So easy and used 65 3" squares.
(Editor's update: thanks to Rose Marie and Joyce who kindly directed me to Andrea's site, where her directions made this bucket purse easy to do. http://welshquilter.blogspot.com/2007/06/bucket-bag-tote-part-4-last-one.html)