I had two boo boos yesterday in the studio...one involved fabric and the other was my finger. First of all, you'd think that I would work on ONE thing at a time and then put things away. That would be the most common sense thing to do, but no....look at this mess!

I'm trying to cut out 4 different quilts--quite the job when you need just ONE piece from a whole lot of fabrics. They aren't scraps, so the fabrics must be unfolded, sometimes ironed, one piece cut out (actually I'm cutting out two or three different pieces from each fabric) and then refolded. It takes time and space! But I still have other things going on as well, a BOM or two, bindings to be put on newly quilted quilts, etc. So, being in the hurry that I usually am, I tried to cut the excess fabric off a newly quilted quilt so I could make the binding from the leftovers. Did I clear my space off? Of course not! And as I was cutting and scooting the quilt along, it picked up a couple of hitchhikers and you guessed it! I cut into one of them. It was a BOM I'm doing from the Be Attitudes book and I still need to do all the embroidery on it. It's a big enough cut that it won't be hidden in a seam allowance.

The bad thing is that there is a fused applique on that piece. So not sure how I'm going to fix it at the moment. Ahh..if I were only more organized. :( I keep trying....not very well apparently.

Isn't it ironic that it's on a "Be Positive" block? LOL I am positive I need to improve on my organizational skills! And it wasn't any worse than what it was.
Second mishap happened while I was stitching very carefully on a curved line and I must have reached in to adjust something (it's funny, I don't even really know what happened!) and the take up bar must have grabbed my finger--I know it didn't hit the needle) but it snapped my fingernail (an acrylic one) and cracked it from the middle diagonally down to the side of my finger. OUCH! I cut off the excess portion of the nail hanging over the finger, hoping to get it out of the way and not catch on anything. But it still hurt like the dickens. So I thought I would take off the acrylic nail on the smaller portion that was split, but as soon as I tried, it really started bleeding. It actually split my REAL nail bed! I could see raw meat down through the crack! And when I tried to lift off the fake nail, it was really stuck to the real one and it was pulling away from the nail bed. Of course hubby isn't here to help. I ended up snipping off as much as I could and then covered it all with bandaids. I think it's going to take a bit to heal. Two good things--it didn't bleed on ANY fabric! and the other was that it was on my left hand, so won't interfere with any sewing!

It's funny looking at the picture--geez, it hardly looks bad at all, but man it hurts! It doesn't throb anymore, but hurts to touch it, obviously.
On another note, say a little prayer for safety for my hubby as he is working with a company in Mexico to do some manufacturing for him. He is there right now and was supposed to visit the factory, but after all the dire warnings posted to Americans traveling to Mexico, he forced them to come to him, 30 miles north of the Mexican border. Last year, (right AFTER he was there) a businessman in the factory next to the one he is dealing with was kidnapped and held for ransom. He initially thought he would meet the factory owners at the border, but opted to move even farther away. Even then he said the little town is crawling with border security. Scary--I'm so glad he didn't go into Mexico. They telling Americans to not even go to the resorts like Acapulco or Cancun. All because they are clamping down on the drug cartels, they see this as another profitable business venture and are actually running the kidnappings as a business.