If you live in Central Ohio, this might interest you. Otherwise…you can move on! LOL I know several of my students follow my blog and I just wanted to announce that the Open House is set for Sat. Jan. 2 from 10 AM to 1 PM. My Kquilts Studio website has all the details of the classes being offered this season. I have several classes for different levels of quilters (beginners included). I have 4 PJ parties planned (which are on Friday nights and are FREE!). They are simple little projects that can be done in an evening
…..BUT you must wear PJ’s! Or you will be fined $5. Lots of fun! A POWER retreat is also in the works. And I have one more surprise which won’t be revealed until Preview Day. So…….come join us!
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Kquilts Studio Open House
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Give this Christmas Away video
12 days of Christmas
I'm in a sorority and we exchange names for Secret Sisters at Christmas and I drew the name of one of my best friends, who is a fairly new quilter. What fun I had with her gift! I based it on the Twelve Days of Christmas.
On the first day of Christmas, Joy's sister gave to her:
A quilted purse for Joy----no picture :(
two quilting notions
3rd day of Christmas…….three quilting patterns (again, no picture)
4 spools of thread
on the 5th day of Christmas……..
5 Fat Quarters
on the 6th day of Christmas…
a 6” ruler (sorry for the lousy picture, it’s hard to take a good one of shiny acrylic!)
on the 7th day of Christmas…..
7 Christmas candies
on the 8th day of Christmas…
8” Gingher Scissors
on the 9th day of Christmas…
9 feet of ribbon
on the 10th day of Christmas….
10 sewing needles
on the 11th day of Christmas…
11 Quilting tips
on the 12th day of Christmas….
12 Christmas buttons
(and I’m not sure if it’s the picture, or did I really sew on the bottom button crooked? You’d thought I would have seen that! It MUST be the picture!)
Friday, December 11, 2009
a free gift for you

I wish I could say this is from me, but it's from Amazon....FREE music! Here's one of the several that I downloaded. I love Point of Grace and I love their rendition of Winter Wonderland.
My favorite Christmas hymn is O Holy Night sung by Aaron Neville. But Winter Wonderland ranks up there in Christmas music. I downloaded almost 300 Christmas songs on my itouch before vacation. (most were of my own CD collection and several of the free downloads). My hubby can't believe that I can listen to Christmas music ALL day long! And I can. BUT only after Thanksgiving and I'll quit the day after Christmas. So, what's your favorite Christmas songs?
hurry to http://www.amazon.com/ and then type in free MP3 music downloads under the search bar. (for some reason, it would not let me copy the link). You can narrow down the search to free Christmas music MP3 downloads as well. If you have never downloaded MP3's from Amazon, you'll have to download the FREE MP3 downloader onto your computer first, but it doesn't take long and well worth the few extra minutes! Thanks to Heather at Freebies4Mom for the tip.
And that's ANOTHER blog you should go visit AND sign up for her daily emails. She is LOADED with all kinds of tips to get FREE stuff!! Already this month, I've gotten free calendars, a free photo book, free Christmas photo cards, free music and a whole lot more. I kept forwarding her emails to my daughters so much, they went and signed up themselves. I just LOVE free stuff, don't you?
Merry Christmas!
where in the world am I?

Wednesday, December 09, 2009
reading causes raccoon eyes

Tuesday, December 08, 2009
gone again, surfin' in more ways than one

Friday, November 20, 2009
a little bit of Christmas
Christmas will soon be upon us and if I don’t hurry, it will be another year without my Redwork Holiday Sampler being done. I spent a week a few years ago machine embroidering a whole lot of blocks and even did a set for my friend as a gift. She got her quilt done. Mine? Still sitting in a box. I brought it out a few weeks ago to show
a friend and I thought, why not get it done? And enjoy it! hmmm, novel idea!
the center part is done……now for the sawtooth border. I’m a workin’ on it (like there is nothing else to do at this time of year!)
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
I made a bunch of these purses for gifts and thought I'd share it with you too. I'd send y'all one, but the postage would be a bit much, so....grab a cuppa, a red placemat, fur trim and make one yourself..or two...or three!
Supply List:
(1) Placemat- mine was from Wal-Mart and had a bit of metallic sheen. It was 13" x 19", but yours can be whatever size it comes!
(2) 2" x 13" fur trim pieces (if your placemat is not 13"...adjust your fur trim to match your placemat size--it's the side measurement)
(2) 1" x 12" black grosgrain ribbon pieces
(1) 1" x 1 1/2" velcro
red thread
Remove any tags from placemat.
Repeat for other part of the velcro (hook), making sure the two pieces line up when you fold your placemat in half.
Repeat for other ribbon, making sure they line up when the placemat is folded in half. Stitch in
place. (they don't need to be backstitched, as they will get stitched down again when you attach the fur trim.
Zig zag along the bottom edge of the fur trim piece, again moving the fur out of the way.
Fold the placemat in half, wrong sides together and pin. Stitch with 1/2" seam, backstitching at the top edge to secure.
Cut a
Turn the purse inside out and now admire!
* You can use pre-purchased handles from JoAnn's, Michael's or Hobby Lobby instead of the grosgrain ribbon.
* Use beaded trim instead of fur for a bit of fun.
*Using a plain placemat, fill the right side with different strips of ribbon for a striped look.
Here is the basic order for making a purse from a placemat:
1. Attach velcro on the wrong side of the placemat, centered at the short sides of the placemat (which will end up being the top of the purse).
2. Attach handles of your choice.
3. Attach any trim you'd like on the top edge of the purse (or none at all).
4. Fold placemat in half, wrong sides together and stitch side seams with 1/2" seam.
5. Box the corners. The bigger square that you cut, the wider your bottom will be (and therefore your purse will be shorter). Just remember that you cutting your square, using the bottom fold edge and the side SEAM allowance for your measurement marks.
The sky's the limit on what you can do. I bet you look at placemats a whole lot differently from now on! And just wait to see what you can do with 3 placemats! (more to come.........)

Making placemat purses at the PJ party
Last Friday I hosted another PJ party at my Studio and we made Placemat Purses. They are SO quick and easy, and make great gifts! Some couldn't stop at just one!
And mine.......Sheri found these placemats at Home Goods and so graciously let me have one. We used big wide handles and secured them with an ultrasuede tab.
I'm working on a quick little tutorial...