Picture on left: "Scrappy Oaks", done in 2002 or 2003. Just thought I'd share a quilt. :)
I never posted my goals for Sept., but here is what I worked on:
Ostrich Challenge--finished Round One
2. Frosty Flakes-finished piecing, quilted, bound and is now waiting on buttons. I haven't shown a picture of it yet, because w/o buttons, it doesn't look like much. And it's the last thing to do!
3. One Hour Challenge-Sept.-blocks are done and rows partially assembled.
Quilt Pink-designed, cut out and some blocks sewn (with help).
Reversible Quilt--I thought I was done with this quilt until I got it home and on the bed. I needed to add 12" width wise to make it work on my bed. DONE!!!
6. Reunion Hatchet Quilt-quilted and the binding on top. Needs it hand sewn on back and labeled.
7. Pincushion/Threadcatchers-finished 4 more and have 1 more to go. I'm putting them in my classroom by each machine.
Faithful Friends-quilted, bound, labeled and given to my friend. Oops--forgot to take a picture of the finished product.
And now, sharing my Oct. goals, I'm going to try
Starfishy's method of only working on 10 at a time, rotating them when I get bored working on them. Sounds like a plan to me!
Sept One Hour Challenge-finish top, quilt it
Oct. One Hour challenge-piece blocks and make top to flimsy stage
Reunion Hatchet-finish binding and label it--ship it off to raffle winner
Quilt Pink- finish blocks, make top to flimsy stage
Frosty Flakes-add buttons and label
BB (Bias Buddies--my Friday night quilt group)
Christmas ornaments--make 16 ornament blocks for Christmas exchange
BB Flowers--assemble blocks into top, quilt
Bright Coneflower-quilt, bind, label
G'ma's Wedding Ring--get binding on--I won't EVEN tell you how old this UFO is! I stopped at the binding because of all the curved edges. NOW is the time to finish it!
Baby Tumbling blocks-binding on and labeled
There, I said it in public--maybe that will be my push to buckle down and quit flitting from one thing to another!