Here's my cutie pie, Kajsa (my granddaughter) cutting out chicks for a pillow she's making. She "needed" a sewing day with Nana. :) I love it, my daughter thinks I have brainwashed her. Not true, just gently persuaded her to develop a love for fabric since birth! That's all! She loves to come over and spend time with me in my studio. Yesterday, we made pancakes for breakfast, went in the hot tub, created a pillow for her and made quilt blocks for a baby quilt for my cousin, went out for lunch. A good day, but it still wasn't enough so she wanted to "schedule" another day with me! Such a cutie!

She fused her own chicks (with a little supervision from Nana) and then wanted to add a few details. She then stuffed it herself with "fluffies". She likes it, can you tell?

Here's one of the quilt blocks she made. She made the coloring blocks and I made 9 patches to alternate. I was proud of myself. I have a few baby quilts to make and when I went into my stash, all I had was a small assortment of odds and ends from other quilts I had made. A little bit of yardage of a couple pieces, but not much to amount to anything. So, I thought I would run to the store to buy some pretty new "baby" fabric. Then I stopped myself, if now is not the time to use up that fabric SOMEhow, then I never would. So I forced myself to just figure out what I had and deal with it! This one with the 9-patch is going to turn out okay! And I have another top pieced, I'll just have to see what to do about borders. And therefore, busting a lot of stash! I'll post pictures of them when done.
It's funny how we get about our stashes. I have so many pretty things and when I'm working on a project and need something, a lot of times I do find it in my stash. BUT, I tell myself, I'm saving that for something special and if I use it in this quilt, I won't have it. I constantly have to remind myself that THIS IS the something special I was waiting to use it in! DUH! I've been getting a lot better about that. I sometimes think I'm just a fabric collector, because I hate to part with it a lot of times! That's why it's good for me to see what others are doing, making me get the nerve to just USE my stash instead of hoard it and running out and buying what I need.
My grandson, Kai, was not happy when I didn't take him home with me when returning big sister. It's his turn! So another day...and then there has to be a day with Mia...I love teaching these little ones a love of fabric, getting joy out of being creative, using our hands, making things for others.