Sheesh! I had a plan today.(actually the day was Thursday, but I didn't have time to write this then!) Update my Excel worksheet of all my UFO's and HSY (hussy--you know, haven't started yet) projects. It was a very good plan. Sort through the ones I decided I really didn't care for anymore, update my list with any new ones started but somehow forgotten to add to my list. Great plan--to be done in an hour or less, right? HAHAHA It all started out so well, and then it all went downhill, like someone shoved me over the edge of the hill on skis and no poles. And that's about how quickly downhill I went!
(here are ALL the projects I'm purging!!!)
I went through one bin fairly quickly, stopping on occasion to reminisce about a quilt. Yanked one out, one I thought that I just didn't want to finish. Okay, I'm doing good. Reorganized the bin, everything put back nice and neat. Next bin... hmmm, here are those 4" I SPY squares. Oh yes, I saved them to make any future baby quilts. I had made the original I SPY quilts for my grandkids and decided any future ones were going to be squares only. I just remembered that I promised a client of my husband's that I might make him a baby quilt for their baby. I still have time. I wonder how many squares I have, and how many do I need? It'll be easier to put them up on the design wall. So, I removed the quilt in progress from the wall, and started adding squares, trying not to duplicate. Oh shoot. I'm short about 16 different squares. I wonder what novelty fabrics I have? Start going through my stash. I start with the scrap bins first, find a few, then head into the stash closet. Oh, good, I do have more. Get them out, turn on the iron, press them so I can cut 4" squares. Wait a minute! What am I doing? I jolt back into reality and box up what I have out to be done at a later time. So I continue sorting through my projects. Writing down some new projects started since I last updated my list. Hmm, don't like that. My list was supposed to get shorter, not longer!! Wait.....what's this. Oh yeah, my Batik Cobblestones. And gee, I only have 14 more blocks to make! What made me stop? You know, it wouldn't take very long to get those done, then I could sew the blocks together and have another UFO quilt top done! So....back in a minute.......................okay, got those done. Counted them and I have 129. Okay, will make one more. Now I have 130, enough for 10 across and 13 down. Packaged those back up and moved on...
Some of my Batik Cobblestone blocks
And so my day went. I still don't have my UFO list done or items sorted because I remembered I had to cut out 2 kits for a class I was teaching. Now THAT is a way to bust your stash! Or at least you would think it would. No, can't even tell I cut 2 more quilts out of it. And so, ended my day with nothing firmly accomplished other than 2 kits cut out. I'll try again another day.
Thanks for the chuckle! You sound like a totally typical quilter! I constantly have to force myself to stay on task and not get distracted. I was sorting patterns and rearranging my filing cabinet so I could find things more easily, and I kept getting distracted by projects I want to start. NOT a good thing!
LOL! Sound like a typical day at my house. I did update my UFO spreadsheet in December. My list isn't going down either. Not even after giving some away and recycling fabric for others back into my stash. And while working on re-doing my sewing room I've already found a another that I didn't have listed and 2 tops I had totally forgotten about. At least I'll have plenty to choose from when I finally retire and have time to finish some of these.
You certainly did make some progress it sounds to me-even if your list is not done yet-and a day spent going through your projects is always a fun time!
I love the batiks. I can also relate to getting sidetracked while sroting through sewing projects. Perhaps we should start a support group for side-tracked quilters LOL.
Sidetracked quilters! Yep, we need a group for those of us who really go off track!
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