Miss K's drawings got partially covered by the ceiling paint already. I love the way Mr. K (the 5 year old) spells his name. So innocent. And he drew a special picture for his mommy..
Friday, February 29, 2008
Impossibly Good
Miss K's drawings got partially covered by the ceiling paint already. I love the way Mr. K (the 5 year old) spells his name. So innocent. And he drew a special picture for his mommy..
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
I've been tagged!
THE RULES:1. Once you are tagged, link back to the person who tagged you.
2. Post THE RULES on your blog.
3. Post 7 weird or random facts about yourself on your blog.
4. Tag 7 people and link to them.
5. Comment on their blog to let them know they have been tagged.
1. I hate mushrooms. Most people that know me, like to sit next to me while eating pizza or something that is usually loaded with mushrooms because then they get to share my castoffs! I will eat mushroom soup though--IF the mushrooms are itty bitty!
2. I do NOT like cold cheese, of any kind. But IF you melt it, I will eat it. Why is that? Who knows and go figure!
3. I am deathly afraid of electric and being shocked. I've got a great story about me trying to plug something in while standing in water..someday I'll share!
4. I do not like shoes--I do not like shopping for shoes, I do not like wearing shoes at home, I do not like wearing shoes while driving, I do not like wearing shoes while sewing, I do not like GREEN EGGS and HAM! What does that have to do with it? nothing--but that's what it was beginning to sound like! LOL
5. I do LOVE purses! In every size, color, shape, etc. I love shopping for them and making them!
6. I had braces twice! Once as a young teenager and again as an adult (and pregnant with my third child)
7. I LOVE fabric--oh wait, that's not a secret or weird fact! But I do and always have. I remember the first 4-H meeting I went to and learned we could make all our our own clothes. I've been excited about sewing (not so much with clothes anymore) since then.
And now I'm going to tag....Laurie,Pam, Teresa, Beth, Marne, Mary, and everyone else! If you haven't done one in a while--why not do one now? It's kind of fun to get to know fellow bloggers like this.
Monday, February 25, 2008
Quilts get done regardless of what's going on!
This is a quilt top, Holiday Lights, that I had ALMOST done for about 5 years--geez or even more! I made the piano key borders and somehow must not have done them quite right, because they would not miter properly, so I put it away. Got it out again a few years ago, got frustrated and put it away. Got it out again a few weeks ago and gee--I whacked off the ends, added plain black corners and whaddya know? It's done! I promised myself I would not meander every quilt I got done and I was going to force myself to start challenging myself on the quilting. (I'm still on a learning curve on a mid-arm machine). So for this quilt, I tried some of the rulers--hmm, not so good yet, but I did get the straight ruler going for the zigzag in the inner border, did some free hand stuff in the 4patch/sq. in square block--not bad and then smaller stippling behind the light bulbs to make them pop--great, and free handed a ribbon-y vine with holly leaves in the outer border--not bad. The best thing is that it's done and I'm fairly proud of it. :)The next one is my Hopscotchin' with Friends, another Challenge quilt and it's the first time that I ever used a pantograph. I had a little trouble figuring out the placement--and remembered AGAIN how hard it is to follow an exact line with a laser! But I knew that if I just kept my movements fluid and if I swung out too far on a leaf or whatever, no one would know. So--all in all--not too bad! I think it's hard to see my quilting--I use So Fine on the top (it really blends in well--less prone to showing mistakes! LOL) and Bottom Line in the bobbin
I also finished my Kaffe Fassett Stepping Stones--and for crying out loud--all it needed was the outside border! It's loaded on Zoe right now and I hope to get out there tonight or tomorrow and do that one. I'm trying another panto--thanks to Mary for sharing all her resources on the pantos she uses.
Stashbusting Sunday, albeit late!
Stash used: 6 yards for backings and bindings
Stash bought: 0
Stash used for year: 37 yards
Stash bought for year: 0
Avoiding all quilt shops in person and online really helps! Plus, I'm staying off the computer and spending most my time in the studio working on finishing things is helping. :)
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
retreat continued...
Gratitude is finally done! My students quilted it on Zoe for practice and I got the binding finished and label on at the retreat.
Quilt Retreat is productive!
This is Twinkling Stars and it's from a McCall's magazine from 1997! I made the kit from fabric from my stash a long time ago and even made the blocks. So all I had to do was assemble the top. Just a few hours and it was done! I think I'll put this in our Bible Study group's Annual Auction.
This is one of 3 Psalms of Comfort tops that I had left to do. I made one for my daughter, this was mine and still have two more to go. I had all the pieces cut, the HST done. I had to assemble the rows and then the top. About 3 hours and I was done.
Finally--this little project has to be at least 12 years old! My friend and I got together and swapped pink fabrics from our stash to make this cute little Easter wallhanging. I had the squares cut and that was it. She got hers done (the one with no UFO's--now you know why! LOL) and mine just aged and aged. Now was the time to get it done. And again, only 2 hours and the top is done.
Since Blogger won't let me post more....to be continued.....
Stash Busting Sunday-late!
Fabric USED this week: 5 3/4 yards
Fabric BOUGHT this week: 0
Fabric USED to date: 32
Fabric BOUGHT to date: 0
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
A good day
I have the binding sewn on the top and now it needs sewn on the back by hand. I also have the label pinned on so I can stitch it down while I'm doing my binding.
I prepared class handouts for a class tonight (Irish Chain) and cleaned my sewing room. Ya need to stop and re-group sometime! LOL I also made one of my favorite dinners....Ham Sandwiches, Cheesy Potatoes, Vegetable Salad and Angel Food Cake with strawberries. The ham sandwiches are SO good and I hardly ever make them and when I do, I wonder why I waited so long! LOL
Ham Sandwiches:
12 Hamburger buns
12 thick slices ham (I used leftovers from a Spiral Honey Baked Ham)
Cheese Whiz, spread on the bottom half of the hamburger bun
In a bowl, mix: 1/8 cup finely chopped onion, 1/4 c. yellow mustard, 1 TBSP. poppy seed, 1/2 cup butter, softened. Spread on both sides of the top half of the hamburger bun. Place all sandwiches in a cake pan, cover with foil. Bake in a 350 degree oven for 20 minutes, or until the cheese is melted.
Woo hoo! Some finishes!!

Let's just say that I need a little more work! My hats are off to the longarmers who make their quilts look SO good! I USED to be pretty good on my regular sewing machine, but this is another whole ball game!
My last quilt, Stained Glass Iris (a class sample using bias tape) is a wallhanging that was ALMOST done, except for the border corners. I used my own hand dyed fabric for the flower and borders and was trying to figure out how to eek out enough to make a 9 patch in each corner so it looked like it was woven. I had used too much of my fabric and it wouldn't work. So I put it away--10 minutes from being done! Silly me! I finished it, quilted it, bound it, labeled it and took a picture. Geez, what's wrong with me sometimes? Do you ever do that? Get something SO close to being done and then put it away. And then when you finally do get it out and finish it, you wonder what your problem was? LOL I know that sometimes 'obstacles' in our way are discouraging and bringing it out another day, with a clear head, helps us overcome those obstacles and we can bring closure!
And how was YOUR day?

Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Congrats to my oldest daughter, "T"
Congratulations Tenille--we love you!
Monday, February 11, 2008
Stashbusting Sunday

Friday, February 08, 2008
On a mission!
Remember my Scotties? I had it almost done last summer, except the binding on the back. I even had the label on it that I got it done last Aug!!!! I finally finished it and had to change the label. Now THAT is ridiculous! LOLThis snowman rail fence is SO old, I can't even remember how old it is! Our quilt group is having a retreat next weekend and we are supposed to either bring blocks or fabric to assemble some charity quilts. I decided to go ahead and finish this and I'll be done!
This isn't that old (only a couple of years!), and this is one that I allowed my students to practice on learning to quilt on my HQ16. They did a good job and now it's done too! This was a free pattern here.
I just completed this quilt last night. I am sewing samples for a friend who just opened a quilt shop (Quilter's Cottage) up in Garden City, SC. (south of Myrtle Beach). Don't you love it? She sent me the fabric, that are stamped batiks from Island Batik. Here's what Designer's Quarters magazine (Summer 2007) says about the fabric, "Thanks to Island Batik's stamped printing process, each piece of Batik Wheel gives the fabric lover control without sacrificing the gorgeous visual texture of true batiks." I tell ya, I could hardly tell the difference from the front and back of the fabric. And oh, so yummy they were! The pattern is in the Designer's Quarters magazine and used special templates (you could make your own though) It was a bit tedious at times, but it turned out beautiful. It does shrink though!! All the circles before assembled filled up almost my entire design wall (8' x 8') and finished at 45" x 56"!
I used Superior Threads, Rainbows, on the top stitching on the circles, although it doesn't really show in this picture. I used a gray thread on the back and now am wishing I would have used the Rainbow in the bobbin as well--it would have made a nice design.

Monday, February 04, 2008
Stash Busting and Delft shoes
Paris--lost hats,quilt shops & Eiffel Tower
Au revoir!