Tuesday, February 03, 2009

A few odd and end vacation pictures

Here I am with two of my oldest grandkids in Paris...they were real troopers! They got around on their little Razors and kept up with all of us. They had duck for their last meal in Paris and even tried escargot, even when I told them what it really was. Of course, the 5 year old thought it was neat that he was eating snails!
I am cleaning up my camera and getting all my pictures in their proper locations and came across a few photos I wanted to share. Ted kept telling me about a house in s'Gravenzande that had a whole side of their garage filled with clocks all from the generations over the years. I told her I wanted to get a photo of it because my dad loves clocks. When I hopped out of the car to take a photo and got to the side of the house, I was shocked! These are shoes, not clocks! She was saying, 'clogs'.!!Anyway, she said that the home has been in the family for generations and when they had shoes that wore out, they hung them on the wall. So, there are many generations of shoes there. The people across the street must have thought I was nuts, hopping out of the car and running down the driveway! They stood watch the whole time!
Isn't this a cool Metro station? It's all tile mosaic and so bright and colorful. If the guys wouldn't have been in such a hurry, I could have gotten more pictures, but as it was, I didn't want to miss the train!

1 comment:

Nana's Quilts said...

Love the photos. And the grands look just "grand" and like they were having a terrific time. Wonderful new/old quilts. Do you have enough beds for all of these or a great rack to display them? I have a sewing box rather like yours. I'll have to take a photo and you can tell me more.